Electric Vehicles: Basic Information


Overview of Electric Vehicles

Electric vehicles (EVs) have some major differences compared to Internal Combustion Engines (I.C.E.). EVs get their energy from battery packs and charging, whereas ICEs get their energy from burning gasoline (or diesel). When owning an EV, there are a few things you should know like the different types, an EV's range and maintanence, how to charge an EV (and where), as well as government incentives when purchasing one.

EV Cost Comparison

Electric Vehicles Comapred to Gas Vehicles

Let's compare two different vehicles: the 2023 Forte & the 2023 Niro EV. The Forte's estimated fuel economy is 7.9 L/100kms based on city driving. The Niro EV's estimated fuel economy is 1.9 Le/100kms. The average cost annually to drive the Forte is $2,232. The annual average cost to drive the Niro EV is $760. If you include recommended service maintanence costs annually. The Forte's total cost annually would be $2,692. The Niro EV's total annual costs would be $1,170. Overall, electric vehicles cost less annually than gas-powered vehicles.

Types of EVs

Three Types of Electric Vehicles

There are three 3 types of EVs: (1) Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) are fully electric with rechargeable batteries. (2) Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) have both gas-powered and an electric motor but are unable to be plugged-in. (3) Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) have both gas-powered and electric motor and they can also be plugged in to charge.

Range & Maintenance

Range & Maintenance

The range and maintenance of EVs differs from traditional ICE vehicles. Most fully electric vehicles can cover up to 100 kilometers with 15 kWh. EVs require considerably less maintenance when compared to fuel-powered ones because an electric motor has around a dozen moving parts whereas gas-powered (ICE) have hundreds.


Charging an EV

When it comes to charging your EV, you will always have plenty of options. You’ll either be charging them at home, your place of work, or even a charging station nearby. You won’t have to drive far out of your way unlike with refuelling at a gas station.


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You can also receive government incentives that are eligible up to $5,000 when purchasing an EV. It differs from Province-to-Province but there are many ways you can get rewarded for your EV purchase. Ask us today!

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Overview of Electric Vehicles

Electric vehicles (EVs) have some major differences compared to Internal Combustion Engines (I.C.E.). EVs get their energy from battery packs and charging, whereas ICEs get their energy from burning gasoline (or diesel). When owning an EV, there are a few things you should know like the different types, an EV's range and maintanence, how to charge an EV (and where), as well as government incentives when purchasing one.

Electric Vehicles Comapred to Gas Vehicles

Let's compare two different vehicles: the 2023 Forte & the 2023 Niro EV. The Forte's estimated fuel economy is 7.9 L/100kms based on city driving. The Niro EV's estimated fuel economy is 1.9 Le/100kms. The average cost annually to drive the Forte is $2,232. The annual average cost to drive the Niro EV is $760. If you include recommended service maintanence costs annually. The Forte's total cost annually would be $2,692. The Niro EV's total annual costs would be $1,170. Overall, electric vehicles cost less annually than gas-powered vehicles.

Three Types of Electric Vehicles

There are three 3 types of EVs: (1) Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) are fully electric with rechargeable batteries. (2) Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) have both gas-powered and an electric motor but are unable to be plugged-in. (3) Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) have both gas-powered and electric motor and they can also be plugged in to charge.

Range & Maintenance

The range and maintenance of EVs differs from traditional ICE vehicles. Most fully electric vehicles can cover up to 100 kilometers with 15 kWh. EVs require considerably less maintenance when compared to fuel-powered ones because an electric motor has around a dozen moving parts whereas gas-powered (ICE) have hundreds.

Charging an EV

When it comes to charging your EV, you will always have plenty of options. You’ll either be charging them at home, your place of work, or even a charging station nearby. You won’t have to drive far out of your way unlike with refuelling at a gas station.

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You can also receive government incentives that are eligible up to $5,000 when purchasing an EV. It differs from Province-to-Province but there are many ways you can get rewarded for your EV purchase. Ask us today!

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Electric Vehicles: All You Need to Know

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