Open Sundays Online

Open Sundays Online

A Little Preparation Goes a Long Way

A Little Preparation Goes a Long Way

rain drops on cement
If you find yourself traveling during the winter season, you want to be prepared in case you get stuck. If you have the tools you need to get out of a bad situation you will be all the better for it. It could even save your life one day.

We want to remind you to always travel with a survival kit in your car and to have some sand, salt, or cat litter as well.

All three work well when it comes to giving you some traction in the snow, slush, or on the ice. Sand is the better bet though since it won't cause your car to rust and it won't make a gooey mess like cat litter can tend to do since it is made out of clay. However anything is better than nothing, so if all you can get your hands on is litter, it will do.

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